________________ 364 STUDIES IN JAIN LITERATURE कान्तानुनयनाङ्गत्वेन पारिजातहरणादिनिरूपितमितिहासेष्वदृष्टमपि / Regarding the episode of Parijataharana vide Appendix I at the end. (ii) In his Vakroktijivita" Kuntaka ranks Sarvasena along with Kalidasa for his graceful style of composition : एवं सहज-सौकुमार्य-सुभगानि कालिदास-सर्वसेनादीनां काव्यानि दृश्यन्ते / तत्र सुकुमारस्वरूपं चर्चणीयम् / (iii) The very fact Bhoja cites a number of verses from Sarvasena's HV to illustrate various points in poetics is eloquent of his high appreciation of Sarvasena's work. In the course of his exposition of the definition of a mahakavya he mentions it along with great Sanskrit and Prakrit epics several times : तेषु अभिप्रायाङ्कता यथा...उत्साह: सर्वसेनस्य...। नगरवर्णनं यथा हरिविजय-रावणविजय-शिशुपालवधकुमारसंभवादौ / शैलवर्णनं यथा...हरिविजयादौ ।...शरद्-वसन्त-ग्रीष्म-वर्षादिवर्णनानि सेतुबन्धहरिविजयरघुवंशहरिवंशादौ / [अर्कास्तमयवर्णनं कुमारसंभव-हरिविजय...सेतुबन्धादौ / ]नायकवर्णनं यथा हरिविजय... रघुवंशादौ / वाहनवर्णनं यथा...हरिविजयरावणविजयादौ / दूतनिधा-निसृष्टार्थः....। तत्र निसृष्टार्थो यथा...हरिविजये वा सत्यकः (सात्यकिः ?) / प्रयाणं त्रिधा...अभिमतार्थसिद्धये यथा विष्णोः पारिजातहरणाय हरिविजये... / तत्रारिविजयो द्विधा-शत्रूच्छेदेन तदुपरत्या (तदुपनत्या ?) च / ... द्वितीयो यथा हरिविजयादौ / ...मधुपानं द्विधा-गोष्ठीगृहे वासभवने च / तत्राद्यं यथा हरिविजये...। मानापगमो [द्विधा-प्रायत्निकः, नैमित्तिकश्च / प्रायनिको हरिविजये सत्यभामायाः / ] (iv) Hemacandra, following Bhoja, repeats almost word for word, the above exposition in his Kavyanusasana". So he too, with Bhoja, regards Harivijaya as a great mahakavya. On one occasion, however, he finds fault with Sarvasena in the course of his treatment of the eight rasa-dosas : अङ्गस्याप्रधानस्यातिविस्तरेण वर्णनं (रसस्य दोषः)...तथा हि हरिविजये-ईर्ष्याकुपितसत्यभामानुनयनप्रवृत्तस्य हरेः पारिजातहरणव्यापारेणोपक्रान्तविप्रलम्भस्य वर्णनप्रस्तावे गलितकनिबन्धनरसिकतया कविना समुद्रवर्णनमन्तरा गडुस्थानीयं विस्तृतम् / / Hemacandra criticises Sarvasena for introducing in his mahakavya a lengthy description of the ocean, 'a superfluous excresence', (gadu-sthanam) as he calls it. Bhoja while discussing the galitakas in HV mentions the view of some critics that they are interpolations (as they violate the principle that asvasakabandhas are to be in a single metre (called skandhaka) from beginning to end]. V. Raghavan observess : "If the view of the interpolation-theorists is true, Sarvasena would be saved from the criticism of Hemacandra". In his Introduction to Pravarasena's Setubandha K. K. Handiqui remarks? : "Of these Sarvasena's Harivijaya appears to have been the best For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International www.jainelibrary.org