________________ SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT MAHAKAVYAS 359 audiences and readers. The change in the emphasis is poetically rich. In his Vakroktijivita' Kuntaka ranks Sarvasena along with Kalidasa for his graceful style of composition : एवं सहजसौकुमार्यसुभगानि कालिदाससर्वसेनादीनां काव्यानि दृश्यन्ते / तत्र सुकुमारस्वरूपं चर्चणीयम् / That Bhoja cites a large number of verses from HV to illustrate various points of poetics is indicative of his high appreciation of this work of Sarvasena. In the course of his exposition of the definition of a mahakavya Bhojalo mentions HV along with great Sanskrit and Prakrit epics several times : तेषु अभिप्रायाङ्कता यथा....उत्साह....सर्वसेनस्य / नगरवर्णनं यथा हरिविजय-रावणविजयशिशुपालवध-कुमारसंभवादौ / शैलवर्णनं यथा...हरिविजयादौ / शरद्-वसन्त-ग्रीष्म-वर्षादि-वर्णनानि सेतुबन्ध-हरिविजय-रघुवंश-हरिवंशादौ / [अर्कास्तमयवर्णनं कुमारसंभव-हरिविजय....सेतुबन्धादौ / ] नायकवर्णनं यथा हरिविजय...रघुवंशादौ / वाहनवर्णनं यथा....हरिविजय रावणविजयादौ / दूतस्त्रिधा....निसृष्टार्थः / तत्र निसृष्टार्थो हरिविजये वा सत्यकः (सात्यकः, सात्यकिः ?) / प्रयाणं त्रिधा....अभिमतार्थसिद्धये यथा विष्णोः पारिजातहरणाय हरिविजये / तत्रारिविजयो द्विधा शत्रूच्छेदेन तदुपरत्या (? तदुपनत्या) च / द्वितीयो यथा हरिविजयादौ / मधुपानं द्विधा गोष्ठीगृहे वासभवने च / तत्राद्यं यथा हरिविजये। मानापगमो [द्विधा प्रायनिक: नैमित्तिकश्च / प्रायनिको हरिविजये सत्यभामायाः / ] From Bhoja and Hemacandra we get the following information about HV : It was asvasabandha (composed (not in sargas but) in asvasakas). Its prevalent metre was skandhaka. It contained some galitakas which , according to some critics, were interpolations, but according to Hemacandra, were genuine parts of Sarvasena's own original work. It was marked by the word utsaha in the concluding verse of each asvasaka. It contained descriptions of nagara (city), saila (mountain), seasons-sarad - vasanta - grisma - varsa, etc.), the sunset, the hero, his vehicle, Garutmat, his duta, Satyaka (? Satyaki), Hari's march against Indra for securing the Parijata tree, the rise of the hero, in the form of the conquest of the enemy who himself surrenders, drink-party and the removal of Satyabhama's jealous anger by effort (by Hari, by winning the Parijata tree from Indra and planting it in front of Satyabhama's mansion.) __Now, Vakpati's Gaidavaho (Sk. Gaudavadha) and Pravarasena's Setubandha are completely available and have been thoroughly studied by eminent scholars. Gaudavadha of Vakpati or Vakpatiraja is a unique historical poem. It is no doubt a mahakavya having a wide variety of topics. Its prototypes in Sanskrit and Prakrit are Raghuvamsa and Setubandha but it is not divided into Cantos Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org