________________ KALPALATAVIVEKA: A STUDY 241 उपमितिः P. 243, 1.9 -P. 446, lines 1-4 7. दर रइय ...P. 243, 1. 12 xxx यत्काव्यार्थ ...P. 243, 1. 14 यत्काव्यार्थ... -P. 443, lines 3-4. Note : The Prakrit verse opening with "dara raiya" is probably adopted from the Vakroktijivita. This surmise is based on the fact that there is loss of text just before yatkavyartha etc. and the present verse "dara raiya" occurs in the Kalpalataviveka just before "yatkavyartha". 8. सदयं बुभुजे P. 243, 1.20 सदयं बुभुजे- III.33. (V) 129 समुच्चितोपमोदाहरणम् P. 243, lines 20-21 भवति उपमितिः एषा चालङ्कृतिः समुचिता उपमा पूर्ववत् एव / P. 446 Note : (i) The reading 'samucita' (in the Vakroktijivita) is obviously wrong. It ought to be samuccita (Cf. Dandi's samuccayopama-II. 21) (ii) The verse, indicated by the Pratika ayam ranah (p. 243, 1. 21), is probably adopted from the Vakroktijivita. It follows the verse "sadayam bubhuje" in the Kalpalataviveka and the verse "sadayam bubhuje" in the Vakroktijivita is followed by marks showing loss of text. 9. खड्गप्रहारम् P. 244, lines 3-5 शस्त्रप्रहारं ददता-(III. 33. V. 133) Note : Dandi (II.356) reads sastradeg). The author possibly quotes from memory, hence the V.L. Khadgao. After this verse in the Vakroktijivita we have mark showing grantha-pata. Possibly, the Vrtti 'अत्र बहूनां भूभुजां... भवत्युपमितिरेवालंकृतिरिति' and the Prakrit illustration सिवे (? वि) णे वि (With the Vrtti facerat 34fafa: va sfat) that follows it formed a part of the text of the Vakroktijivita (now lost). Utpreksa 10. अत एव तदिवेति तदेवेति वा द्वाभ्यां तदिवेति तदेवेति वा द्वाभ्यां प्रकाराभ्याम् / प्रकाराभ्यां... -(p. 244, 1. 11) -Vrtti on III. 25-27 (p. 424) 11. बोधयन् इति बोधयन्नेव बोधयन्निववेत्यर्थः / अयं मन्दद्युतिर्भास्वान प्रतिगच्छति / ...मन्दद्युतिरित्यत्र....उपमायाः प्रतिपाद- उदयः पतनायेति श्रीमतो बोधयन् नरान् / कतां प्राप्नोतीत्यर्थः / The verse is followed by a mark indiP. 244, lines 14-19 cating granthapata. (p. 449-p. 450, 1.1) Note : Probably the Vstti is based on the portion following the verse ayam mandadyutih etc. in the Vakroktijivita which is now lost. Stud.-31 For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International www.jainelibrary.org