A. This is another MS. of the Balātkāra Gana group. It was secured for me, when the printing of the text had already considerably advanced, by my friend,
Professor Hiralal Jain of King Edward College, Amraoti, from Pandit Jugal Kishore Mukhtar of Sarasawa and now of Samantabhadraśrama, Delhi. It consists of 73 leaves of which the first leaf is missing, with 11 lines to a page and about 38 letters to a line. It is also a carefully written paper MS. but is slightly inferior to P. Its colophon runs as follows:
अथ संवत्सरेस्मिन् श्रीनृपतिविक्रमादित्यराज्ये संवत् १६२१ वर्षे श्रावणवदि २ सोमवासरे श्रीमूलसंघे बलात्कारगणे सरस्वतीगच्छे कुंदकुंदाचार्यान्वये भट्टारकश्रीपद्मनंदिदेवा तत्प? भट्टारकश्रीशुभचंद्रदेवा तत्प? भट्टारकश्रीजिनचंद्रदेवा तत्पट्टे भट्टारकश्रीसिंहकीर्तिदेवा तत्पट्टे भट्टारकश्रीधर्मकीर्तिदेवा तत्पट्टे भट्टारकश्रीशीलभूषणदेवा तदाम्नाये आर्याश्रीचारित्रश्रीतत्सिष्यणीव्रतगुणसुंदरी एकादशप्रतिपालिका तपगुणराजीमती शीलतोयप्रक्षालितपापपटलाः । बाई हीरा तथा चंदा पठनार्थ इदं यशोधरचरित्रं लिखापितं कर्मक्षयनिमित्तं ॥ छ । लिखितं पंडितवीणासुतगरीवा अलवरवासिनः ॥ छ ॥ शुभं वो भूयात् ॥
It will be seen that this MS. is dated Monday, the 2nd of the dark half of Śrāvana of 1621 of the Vikrama era, i. e., 1564 A. D., i, e, about six years after P. As P was prepared in Todā gadh or Todā fort and A in Alwar, and as the genealogies of teachers mentioned therein agree so far as they are available, it can well be presumed that they belong to the same group. The text and the readings in them agree closely except in one detail, viz., P omits the portion IV. 29. 9-IV. 30. 13. which is given only in B and A. A is also almost consistent in the use of initial n.
In addition to these four fully collated MSS. described above, I have used the following material at times :
(a) B. This is a Ms. deposited in the Balátkára Gana Jain Bhāndāra at Káranja. I personally examined this MS. on the spot, but had no time at my disposal to fully collate it. A copy of this MS. was recently prepared for the Ailak Pannalal Jain Bhandar of Bombay. Through the kindness of Professor H. D. Velankar of the Wilson College, Bombay, I was able to collate a portion of it, i. e., to the end of the first pariccheda, when I thought that the text there agreed with P, a better and more reliable MS., in all essential points, and that it was no use further to collate a secondary MS. like this. On the discovery, however, of the additional passage in A, viz., IV. 29. 9-IV. 30. 13, I wanted to ascertain whether the original MS. B also contained the same. Professor Hiralal Jain got it examined for me again and sent me collation of which I made full use.
(6) H. This is a printed Hindi translation of our text which I purchased in a Bombay bookseller's shop. This printed translation usually gives in the original Apabhramsa the ghattā portion with its Sanskrit rendering, and translates the rest in Hindi calling the translation as sīkārtha. I was not able to discover the name of the translator nor the year of its publication. On the last page I find the following:
लाला गिरिनारीलाल ने जैनी भाइयों के हितार्थ लाला जैनीलाल के "जैनीलाल प्रिंटिंगप्रस" देवबन्द जिला सहारनपुर में छपाकर प्रकाशित किया ।
I consulted this translation throughout for what it was worth, and have come to the conclusion that the translator used a MS. of the text identical with the one in P and not with the same in A or B, as the absence of translation of IV. 29.9 IV. 30. 13 clearly shows.
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