24. The king describes several articles of food prepared by the queen as sug gesting an approaching death.
25. and 26. These kadavakas describe the wailings of Jasahara's son and wives. In the latter part of 26, it is mentioned that several obsequious rites were performed by his son in order that Jasahara might get good life after death. But, as the fate would have it, Jasahara was born as a peacock in the forest.
28. 4. Pakkhini-pakkhavau is an uncertain expression; the line may mean that the young peacock could not at first walk and therefore sought the support of the wings of its mother. (The marginal note in one of the MSS. is: 'padacāritvāt pakṣapāte dhṛtaḥ) 28. 10. Note the word lai which means 'much' and is still preserved in the Marathi language of the lower class people of Maharastra in this sense, while Hemacandra explains it as 'lai iti lokoktau'.
29. The hunter brought the young peacock and its mother home, but offered the hen to the police-officer and kept only the young one for himself. At this the hunter's wife got angry. The hunter thereupon sold the young peacock to the policeofficer who brought it up in a cage.
30. The police-officer offers the peacock, when grown up, to Jasavai. Candramati, Jasahara's mother, who was also poisoned by Amṛtamati, was born in Ujjayini as a bitch and was presented to Jasavai.
32. 10-11. A fine fancy that the row of clouds is likened to a young maid, lightning as her kañcukī and the rainbow as her cloak, uppariyaṇa, Sk. uparitana, upper garment.
33, The peacock saw here Amṛtamati dallying with the hump-back and out of jealousy of the previous life attacked them both. Amṛtamati struck it with her girdle and thus broke its leg. 33. 9-10. The peacock remarks:-When I was king, I did not strike the hump-back and the woman who were not my equal, but now as a young and low peacock, I caught the hand of the woman as this time it was not objectionable.
31. Maids of Amṛtamati soon arrived on the scene and attacked the peacock with whatever weapon they could catch hold of. On hearing this din and cry of the maids, the bitch, the peacock's mother in the previous life, came there, and caught it in the neck.
35. Jasavai held the bitch fast with the chain, but when it could not let go the peacock, he struck the bitch with the iron end of the spear, so that both the peacock and the bitch died. Jasavai bewailed the loss of both.
36. In his next birth jasahara was born as a mangoose, and as its mother could not sufficiently feed it on her milk, the young mangoose began its career by devouring snakes. Candramati also was born in her next life as a snake in the same forest. One day while the snake was entering into its hole, the mangoose caught its tail. 36. 9. Lahi sau Sk., svadam labdhva, forming taste (for the blood of the snake).
37. When the mangoose was eating the snake, it was itself caught from behind by a wild animal taracchu, Sk. tarakṣu. 37. 11-12. Abhayaruci winds up the second
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