it clearly indicates that the rules governing the monastic life were getting flexible and loose.
The strict adherence to or fidelity of the moral disciplinary rules was the first and foremost condition for the monks. The incompetent monk (akovida) is in contrast to the very competent (vikovida), being an adept corrects himself at the slightest remonstrance and carries out a prayaścitta.
There are three categories of spiritual aspirants or ascetics who are classified as follows: (1) the newly initiated saints who digest the rules and regulations (pariņāmaka) are known as 'postulants (giyattha); (2) those who do not assimilate them (apariņāmaka) are agiyattha and (3) those who assimilate to an infinitesimal degree irrespective of consequent meekness of the verdict (atipariņāmaka) are quite adepts. This division into the "postulants" and the "adepts" resulted in the formation of who should be the guru of the newly initiated disciples. The newly initiated cannot be given a responsible job in the monastic life; yet some exception seems to have been made in the light of his physical appearance and the history of his genealogy; by itself it is not decisive, ultimately, the role of a Master is decided judicicusly from the group of the adepts; there is some provision under unexpected circumstances to make a giyattha (postulant) to act as a deputy at the time of confession. The adept (vikovida) can maintain close relations with the followers, himself following 'thera-kappa' or Jina-kappa; but he generally complies with the former.
Thus, the monk is dependent upon a specific gana, whose members are not allowed to be alone or two of them are dignitaries. Because of such corporate life, there is harmony, discipline amongst the saints, yet there may be some infractions, as some monks may feel bumiliated by constant supervision-even when attending to the calls of nature and naturally such saints feel disgusted with such gana (flock) may change over to other gana.
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