prohibited action, is allowed (anujñā) to be done, it becomes under the situation an imperative (vidhi). What is prohibitive becomes permissive; the action prevented in the context of the basic rules, is permitted to be performed as an imperative one; but it is not easy to comprehend the character and nature of such a duty, which if prohibited, for one reason, is made an imperative under different situations. It is an extremely difficult to know the exact difference amongst the situations and the contexts. Only the seasoned aspirant can gauge the nature and magnitude of the actions whether of the nature of pratiṣedha, utsarga or vidhi etc. For this very reason, i e., meaning of the apavada was difficult for interpretation and elusive field of its application etc., it is dubbed as rahasya (mysterious). Just as the preventive rule when translated into action, results in ethical refinement, so also the practical realisation of an exceptional rule too results in moral progress. In the absence of such a choice one will be compelled to adhere to the fundamental rules or dogmas (utsarga). In that event only the basic principles have to be followed. But with the growth of Samgha and Gaccha the inevitable exceptions to the fundamental rules or principles we thought of, as needs arose, hence it became more and more necessary to observe the prohibitive rules as much as it was considered to perform the deeds according to the prescribed rules. In case of any conscious failure to observe the rules of both the types (pratiședha and anujñā), provision was made for expiation (prāyaścitta). Both types of duties referred to above were treated as equivalents regarding their moral worth; because both are the ways of purification (viśuddhi). It must be remembered here that the fundamental rules (utsarga) are strictly to be followed. It is not
very difficult to do so.
be simple, are challenging in life to act.
N. Gatha-5245.
N. Gāthā-495.
But exceptions, although they appear to
Jain Education International
N. Cūrṇī, p. 3, Gāthā, 287, 1022, 1068, 4103. N. Gatha-231.
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