“Know the nature of the wax, to melt and move downward. That is body. Know the nature of the flame, to move upward and merge into the element of fire. That is you, your life. One helps the other continue its journey. While they are together, do not despise one and glorify the other. Take care of body. It is your living temple, a premamandir, a temple of love. It is the best vehicle to take you to Enlightenment."
He told him to meditate on the deathless state. “There is no death. Mahavir never even used the word 'death' in all his talks. There is only the ageless deathless state. Until you experience that, you will remain vulnerable to fear, doubt, and limitations."
Munishree meditated on his father.
His body will go, but our connection will remain. We are investing in that which cannot die. Each time we walk, eat, meditate together in awareness, we are adding to our unity. Out of this present, the future is bom.
He applied these insights to himself.
What about me? I also will go. Am I ready? If I had to depart today, would I feel I had fulfilled my life and found the answer to my quest? No! But I am using every moment to move towards that. I am sure the answer will come. I am not looking back.
Munishree saw that all the great masters had found the answer by going inside. Step by step, he went deeper into himself to know that which could only be known when mind and senses were quietened.
His Master always said the right thing at the right time to inspire him.
"You cannot find without merging. When you merge, you really find. Ask yourself, 'What stops me from merging?' Ultimately you have to give up everything. Why not have that experience now while you are alive? Why wait until the end of the journey?"
Munishree saw that if he had to depart without experiencing this, then this was the real loss.
If willingly I give up now what in the end I have to leave behind anyway, then that surrendering becomes the true gain.
All the teachings, inspiring words, mantras were like an
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