Tantra and Philosophy
the universe - Attainment of power or energy is for joy. Tantra can get you not only power but even the dominance over others; others may be man, woman, animal, nature or anything. Tantra does not believe in caste and class of society and therefore is not Vaidic. Again, Tantra has no ethics and therefore it can not be called religious or Vaidic. "It would be wrong to call Tantra a religion.". It is not a way of thought' either. Thought, Tantra sees as one of the chief causes of dillusion and misery of the people. Tantra works with action. It is not something meant to be read about in books. Tantric pictures and illustrations are meant ultimately to be used, not just to be looked at. Tantra says "If you do these things which Tantrikas have discovered, you will find yourself in a position to experience what the truth is about yourself and your world, as directly as you can experience the street. The philosophy and aim of Tantra is the realization of Advaita i.e. Unity of Siva and Sakti. So Tantra works with action and takes every kind of effort physical, mental, moral, sexual.
Nevertheless, "Tantra, in its origin was a great and puissant system founded upon ideas. Even its two fold divisions into righthand and left-hand path, daksina marga and vama marga, started from a certain profound perception" Tantra, as earlier said, means its actual methods and practices either a way of Knowledge (daksina marga) or a way of Anand (vama marga). If we seek for the central principle of Tantra, we find 'it expressly differentiate itself from the Vedic methods'. In almost all religions, and definitely in all schools of Vedas the main force is in knowledge, their method is knowledge. In all the God is the Purusha, the Conscious Soul that knows, observes, attracts, governs. "But in Tantra, the worship is of Prakriti, the NatureSoul, the Energy, the Will-in-Power executive in the universe. It was by learning and applying the intimate secrets of this Will-in-Power, its methods, its tantra that the tantrik pursued the aim of his discipline mastery, perfection, liberation, beatitude."10
Though not central, there are two-three basic principles one should note to know Tantra better. In tantra there is no difference between male and female, and sakti is worshipped through sexual union i.e. Maithuna. Tantra believes in liberation and pleasure i.e.
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