The Kaliedoscope of Jaina Wisdom
mārga. At present, Bombay is known to be a seat of the Vallabhācārya sect, which has numerous devoted followers there.
Nimbārka declares the soul as well as Prakrti to be energies, Saktis', of God, and agrees, otherwise, with Rāmānuja.
All the four schools under consideration are still living in India. All of them have their special seats and their traditional dynasties of gurus, some of whom are lords of stately properties, similar to our bishops in the middle-ages. There are very learned and far-sighted men amongst them, who do much for the progress of learning and the spreading of education, not only by direct teaching, lecturing and studying, but also by founding schools, libraries and other useful institutions,
The Arya Samāja, Prārthanā Samāja and Brahma Samāja are the latest off-shoots of Vedānta. They are of considerable practical, importance for the development of modern Indian civilization, especially the Ārya Samāja, which, by its broad and reasonable views on caste prejudice, has won many followers, and done much for the education of the massess, and for an improvement of their social standard.
The reformatory sect of Svāmī Nārāyaṇa, a foundation of the last century, may also be mentioned here. It arose in protest against the school of the Vallabhācārya, and their worldly ethics, but it is of more importance as an ethical system than as a philosophy. 4. The Naiyāyika and Vaiseșika Systems
The four main philosophical systems treated, viz., the Sānkhya, Yoga, Mimāṁsā and Vedānta, are closely related to one another, the principles and constituents composing the Universe being the same in all of them. The two systems left, viz., the Naiyāyika of Gautama ( Akşapāda ) Rși, and the Vaiseșika system of Kanāda, considerably contrast with them. Both of them assume that, at the beginning of creation, there exist four pervading substances, viz., Space or Ether, Direction, Time and Soul, the latter
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