Non-absolutism and Omniscience
(a) Importance of Anekanta Logic : Anekānta logic is as important as the absolute wisdom or omniscience. The loss caused by Anekānta or Syadváda by its being mediate is fully made up by its capacity to demonstrate the truth of the absolute wisdom to mankind. That is why it has been regarded as indispensable for common practical life. Not only this, it has been accorded a special religious status. Even Lord Mahavira's sermons are delivered through the technique of Syadvāda, 2 which is very much perfect technique of expressing the manifold nature of reality. This is the technique of the Victor and the perfect. 3
(b) The dual nature of Anekanta-Anekanta & Ekanta : Anekantavada is both Anekānta and Ekānta. It is ekānta in as much as it is an independent view point, it is anekanta because it is the sum total of view points. Anekanta may also become Ekānta, if it does not go against the right view of things.4
As the doctrine of Anekanta shows all possible sides of a thing and thus does not postulate about a thing in any fixed way, in the same way Anekanta itself is also subject to this possibility and other side-that is to say, it also sometimes assumes the form of onesidedness.5 However, the Jainas do not have any objection even if their doctrine recalls on itself. On the contrary, it strengthens their position and shows the unlimited extent of the range. 6
1. Sanmati Tarka, III. 68. 2. Bhagavati Sūtra, VII. 2. 273; XIII. 7. 495; Every sermonic
sentences of Lord Mahavira had always a prefix of Syat for otherwise truth would have been violated, Cf. : Apta
Mimaṁsa, 105. 3. Svayambhu Stotra, 41 and 45. 4. Sanmati Tarka, III. 28. 5. Ibid, III. 27. 6. Anekanta-Jaya-Pataka, Vol. II (Introduction ), p. CVII.
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