Jaina Perspective in Philosophy and Religion
This Dharma as Annie Besant defines "is the inner nature that has reached in each man a certain stage of development and unfoldidg."1 However, every religion is a "process which has two sides, an inner and an outer from one point of view it is a state of belief and feeling, an inward spiritual disposition, from another point of view it is an expression of this subjective disposition in appropriate acts."2 Judged from this standard, the inner side of Jaina religion consists in spiritual realisation through the practice of non-violence (Ahimsa) in word, deed and thought since Ahimsa is the essence of Jainism. Nevertheless, Jainism combines epistemological relativism (Syadvada and Anekantavāda) metaphysical dualism of mind and matter, numerical pluralism of nine fundamental elements and sociological self-transcendence by observing different vows of non-violence, truth etc. In its synthetic spirit, it shares the realism of the Vedas, idealism of the Upanisadas, worship-cult of the Purāņas, colourfulness of the Epics, the spirit of logical analysis of the Naiyayikas (Indian Logicians), metaphysical dualism of the atomism of the Vaiśeşika, Samkhyas, mysticism of the Yogins, some sort of monistic trend of the Advaita Vedanta, the spirit of revolt of the Indian Materialist (Lokayats) and the sense of compassion of the Buddhas. As a religion, it has a great historicity. According to Rhys Davids, Hopkins, Oldenberg, Bendole, Monier Williams, W. W. Hunter, Harnsworth, Wheeler, Charpentier, Maxmuller, Bhandarkar, Jayaswal, Tilak, Jainism is older than Buddhism. According to Jyoti Prasad Jaina, It is the oldest living religion'3. To others, like Hoernle, Jacoi, S. Chetty etc., it is the primitive faith of mankind.
1. Besant, A. D. L.: Dharma, Theosophical Publications, London (N. D.).
2. Galloway, G.: The Philosophy of Religion,
3. Jaina, J. P. : Jainism: The Oldest Living Religion, Jaina Cultural Research Institute, Banaras, 1951.
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