four-plank frame, 70, of epistemology, 67 four-pronged epistemological wheel, 70 freedom, 28, of choice, 92 free will, 92 Fregean Sinn, 10
Euclid, 93 eva, 43-45, 47, Buddhist interpretation of,
46n, interpretation of, 46n, purpose of indicator, 43, purport-determining function of, 46n, purport of, 45, three
interpretations of, 43 evaluation, seven types of propositional,
13 evambhūta, 64 evanescence, 48 excluded middle, law of, xiv, 12, 79, 112,
principle of, 130 excluded third, law of, 12-13 exclusion, of absolute non-relatedness,
44, of others, 43, of relatedness to
other things, 44, of unrelatedness, 43 existence, 6, 10-11, 30, 41, 47-48, 106,
drama of, 92, and essence, 133, in
general, 29 existent, determinate, 28-30, elements of
determinate, 28 existentialism, 133 existential quantifier, xv, model of, 83-86 experience, illusory, 69, and reason, 112,
sevenplank frame for, 72, types of our everyday, 71, unsubstantial, 69, valid,
72, with no substantial substratum, 72 expression, distinction of, 41 external differences, homogeneous or
heterogeneous, 116 extrinsical nature, 55
Gandhiji, 129 ganthā, four divisions of, 126 Gedanke, 11 generalisation, illicit, 9 genesis, participation in, 92 geometry, Euclidean, 93, non-Euclidean,
93 Gokhale, P.P., xv, 76n Greece, 3 Gunaratna Sūri, 4
Haldane, J.B.S., 88 Haribhadra, 4, 6-8, 10, 37 Hegel, 133 Hegelian, 17-18, 21-24, stand-point, xiv Heidegger, 130 Heisenberg, 89-90 Hemacandra, xiii, 37, 40, 46n, 57 Heraclitan flux, 132 hetvābhāsa, 2 Hideki Yukawa, 87 History and Doctrines of the Ajivīkas, 124n Hobhouse, 26, his theory of knowledge,
26 human, power, 9, vision, 9
faith, grounds of, 133 fallacies, eight kinds of apparent, shown
in syādvāda, 57-58, refuted by Jainas,
57-58 falsity, 15 fear, of involvement, 122, of lying, 122,
of interrogation in debate, 122 (The) Flowerspray of the Quodommodo Doc
trine, 61n forms of predication of judgment, seven
only 49, 64 fourfold scheme of predication, of scep
tics and Buddhists, 124 fourfold Truth, theory of, 124
idamsaccābhiniveso, 126, similar to Jaina
durnaya, 126, as mithyādrsti, 126 idealism, 3, religious, 130 ideality, 22 identity, 17, 19, 21, 26-29, absolute, 17,
22, of absolute synthesis, 18, of being, 117, concrete, 22, 24, and difference, 116, formal or abstract, 22, implicational, 24, law of, 112, as mutual implication or correlation, 22, propositional, 13, as relation, 18, 25, as a relation and a term, 22, subordinating distinction to, 23, of a synthesis, 23, synthetic, 23, two forms of, 21, two kinds of, 23
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