Chapter Five
"Jiva and Ajiva together constitute universe. If they are separate, nothing more is needed. If united, as usually is the case, the stoppage, the gradual and then ultimate destruction of the union is the only possible course of considering them.”l
Really the bondage is nothing but the union of Jiva and Ajiva. This union is from the time immemorial, hence there is endless effort on the part of every Jiva to break this union to achieve real freedom. That is why, the study of the nature and character of Ajiva is essential.
Lay meaning of Ajiva is the thing not moving. But in Jaina metaphysics this term does not connote that sense because, here, some specific Jivas also are immobile--those found in earth and other immoveable matters. Categories of Ajira
In short, Ajīvas are those who are not Jivas. The categorization of Ajivas would give us proper understanding of the expression. There are five categories of Ajiva, namely-1, Fudgala, 2. Dharma, 3. Adharma, 4. Äkāśa and 5. Kāla. The Jainas have bestowed upon these terms the special meanings, distinct from those ordinarily attached to them in day to day language. These five taken together with Jiva constitute the whole universe. They are called Şad-dravyas. Their interplay with Jíva constitutes and explains all the movements of the universe. A brief description of the five types of Ajivas are as follows
(1) Pudgala - The most important of all the five Ajīvas is Fudgala. Etymology of this expression clarifies its meaning
1. Tattvārthadhigama-Sūtra.
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