"Insight into Reality is earned by intellectual and moral discipline for which there are three stages : 1. A tradition which we have to learn ( Sravana ), 2. An intellectual training through which we have to pass ( Manana ) and 3. An ethical discipline which we have to undergo ( Nididhyasana )".
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Eolightened Consciousness
Religion for an Indian, is experience or attitude of mindprinciples tested in life. It is not an idea, a bare intellectual exercise or a mere logical conviction. It is rather an enlightened consciousness, a power, a spiritual force which can be felt not only by the person who possesses the same but also by all those who come in his contact. It is, as Dr. S. Radhakrishnan puts it :- "Intuition of Reality (Brhmānubhava ), Insight into Truth ( Brahma Darśana ), Contact with the Supreme (Brahına Sarisparśa ) and Direct apprehension of Reality ( Brahma Saksātkāra ).
All religious systems of India have emphasized that language and logic are incapable to reveal to us the real dimensions of the Reality, apprehended only by experiencing it. For this reason all the Indian systems have considered philosophy and the actual lining of their philosophical principles as the integral and inseparable parts of the ultimate knowledge. They have, therefore, provided humanity not only with metaphysical theories but also with a mechanism to operate them and have exhorted people to test these theories in practical life.
Jaina seers, in conformity with their Indian tradition, have pointed out the methodology by resorting to which the five principles discussed in the foregoing chapter can be put into practice.
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