Extracts from the Puvvas :- According to the Jaina tradition the Dasapūrvadharas extract portions from the Puvvas necessarily and the Caturdaśapūrvadharas, if a special occasion arises. This is what we learn from the following line occurring in Haribhadra Sūri's com. (p. 124) on Dasaveyāliya :
__ "चउद्दसपुव्वी कम्हि वि कारणे समुप्पन्ने णिज्जूहति, दसपुव्वी पुण अपच्छिमो अवस्समेव fofocles."-Cf. Dasaveyāliyacunni (p. 7)
I may give below the names of works along with those of the Puvvas from which they are extracted :
(I) Uvasaggaharathotta, some Puvva?; (II) Ohanijjutti, Paccakkhānappavāya", (III) Kammapayadi, Karmaprakrti Prābhrta; (IV) Pratisthākalpa, Vijjappavāya;5 (V) Sthāpanākalpa, Paccakkhānappavāya;6 (VI) Siddhaprābhrta, Aggānīya, (VII) Pajjosaņākappa, Paccakkhānappavāya;’ (VIII) Dhammapannatti, Ayappavāya;* (IX) Pindesaņā, Kammappavāya;' (X) Vakkasuddhi, Saccappavāya;10 (XI) the rest of the ajjhayaņas of Dasaveyāliya; Paccakkhānappavāya;' (XII) Parīsahajjhayana;
The Prākrt word for this is nijjuhan, whereas the Samskrt one, niryuhanā. The former occurs in Visesā (v. 551), and there it means "composition" (racanā). The words food, frugti and frufe are found in verses 12, 14 and 15 of Dasaveyaliyanijjutti. Haribhadra Sūri in his com. on this work says : "free gaatgeri farfari" (p. 96) and "Fech qaratmefaehilah nifi" (p. 106). The editor of this work observes : "76362 Frım Ergfifa ZRHEDE:" (p. 12, fn.). 1 In spite of these explanations, it remains to be ascertained whether nijjuhana means a re-production ad verbatim or that of an
essence embodied in words by the author concerned. 2. See Rājasekhara Sūri's Caturvimsatiprabandha (my edn., p. 7). 3. See Malayagiri Sūri's com. (p. 341") on Avassayanijjutti (v. 665), Hemacandra Sūri's
com. (p. 842) on Visesão (v. 2040) and Drona Sūri's com. (p. 1") on Ohanijjutti. In this last com. it is said : "37144141-371afteff:, YET HIT 'Fogforuc, ufaYTTIGERकल्प-व्यवहारः । तत्र ओघसामाचारी च नवमपूर्वान्तर्वति यत् तृतीयं सामाचारीवस्त्वरित तत्रापि विंशतितमात्
प्राभृतात् साध्वनुग्रहार्थं भद्रबाहुस्वामिना निर्मूढा, दशधा पुनरुत्तराध्ययनेभ्यो नि!ढा इच्छामिच्छेत्यादिका" 4. See Malayagiri Sūri's com. (p. 220") on Kammapayadi. 5. See Sakalacandra Gani's Pratisthäkalpa. 6. See Yasovijaya Gani's Sthāpanākulakasvādhyāya published in Pañcapratikramana at
Mhesana. 7. See Subodhikā (p. 74). 8-11
"आयप्पयायपुव्वा निज्जूढा होइ धम्मपन्नत्ती । कम्मप्पवायपुव्वा पिंडस्स उ एसणा तिविहा ॥१६॥
सच्चप्पवायपुव्वा निज्जूढा होइ वक्कसुद्धी उ।
अवसेसा निज्जूढा नवमस्स उ तइयवत्थुओ ॥१७॥" 4. See page 210 of addition.
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