his com. (p. 5)1 to this work observes that the 2nd ajjhayana is taken from Drstivāda, the 10th is propounded by Lord Mahāvīra, the 8th is the work of Kapila, and the 23rd is a samvāda between Kesin and Indrabhūti. Some even go to the length of saying that all the 36 ajjhayanas have been revealed-propounded by Lord Mahāvīra when he was about to attain nirvana. This view is challenged and rightly by the late Vijayānanda Sūri alias Atmārāmji Mahārāja, with whom I, too, concur. I am at present inclined to believe that Uttarajjhayana of multiple authorship is anterior to Dasaveyaliya. On this basis I may tentatively suggest the following order for the Mülasuttas according to their composition :
(1) Avassaya, (2) Uttarajjhyana, (3) Dasaveyaliya, (4) its two Culas, (5) Pindanijjutti and (6) Ohanijjutti.
Painnaga – This is a term used in Nandi (s. 44 etc.), and its Samskrt equivalent Prakirnaka occurs in Trisasti (I, 3, 581)3 etc. Instead of Painnaga we have at times Païnnagajjhayana“ (Sk. Prakīrnakadhyayana) and Païnna (Sk. Prakirna) as well. Thus a particular group of the sacred works of the Jainas is named in Prakrta in three ways : (i) Painnaga, (ii) Painnajjhayana and (iii) Painna. Out of these the 1st and the last can be translated as "a miscellany;"'whereas the second as 'a miscellaneous lesson', but this is not what this special group stands for. It practically conveys the sense of
1. "अङ्गाद्-दृष्टिवादादेः प्रभवः -उत्पत्तिरेषामिति अङ्गप्रभवानि, यथा परिषहाध्ययनं, वक्ष्यति हि
"कम्मप्पवायपुव्वे सत्तरसे पाहुडंमि जं सुत्तं । सनयं सोदाहरणं तं चेव इहंपि णायव्वं ॥१॥" जिनभाषितानि यथा दुमपुष्पिकाऽध्ययनं, तद्धि समुत्पन्नकेवलेन भगवता महावीरेण प्रणीतं, यद् वक्ष्यति- "तंणिस्साए भगवं सीसाणं देइ अणुसट्ठि" ति, 'चः' समुच्चये, प्रत्येकबुद्धाश्च संवादश्च प्रत्येकबुद्धसंवादं तस्मादुत्पन्नानीति शेषः, तत्र प्रत्येकबुद्धाः कपिलादयः तेभ्य उत्पन्नानि यथा कापिलाध्ययनं वक्ष्यति हि- 'धम्मट्ठया गीयं' तत्र हि कपिलेनेति प्रक्रमः, संवादः- सङ्गतप्रश्नोत्तरवचनरूपस्तत उत्पन्नानि, यथा केशिगौतमीयं, वक्ष्यति च-"गोतमकेसीयो य
संवायसमुट्ठियं तु जम्हे यं" इत्यादि ।" 2. See p. 16, fn. 1 and p. 23, fn. 3. 3. “विस्तृतं बहुधा पूर्वैरङ्गोपाङ्गोः प्रकीर्णकैः । स्याच्छब्दलाञ्छितं ज्ञेयं श्रुतज्ञानमनेकधा ॥५८१।।" 4. "पइण्णगज्झयणा वि सव्वे कालिय-उक्कालिया चउरासीइ सहस्सा" -Cunni (p. 50) on Nandi (s. 44) 5. "तंदुलवेयालियया ३३ चंदाविज्झय ३४ तहेव गणिविज्जा ३५ ।
निरयविभत्ती ३६ आउरपच्चक्खाणा ३७ इय पइन्ना ॥३५०॥"
From this it appears that only the 5 works mentioned here are Païnnagas. 6. In A. His. of Ind. Lit. (vol II, p. 429) the word Painnas is translated as "scattered
pieces", whereas on p. 473, the word "Prakirnakas" as "miscellanea". Further, on . 458 it is said: "The ten Painnas or "scattered pieces" correspond to the Vedic Parisistas, and are, like the latter mostly metrical and deal with all kinds of subjects pertaining to the Jaina religion"
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