composed any work. This finishes the enumeration of the works of one and all the Śrutakevalins. Now we may turn to the works of Dasapūrvadharas.1 Vajrasvāmin is said to be the last in the lot. We do not know if he or any other Daśapūrvadharas except έyama Sūri who preceded him, ever composed any work. Pannavana is said to be the work of this very Syama Sūri.
It may be added in this connection that some of the Sangrahaṇīs on Upangas are compositions of some of the Daśapūrvadharas; for, this is what we learn from Droņa Suri's com. (p. 3) on Ohanijjutti.
This means that it now remains to examine the question of the works of the Pratyekabuddhas. Some of the ajjhayanas of Uttarajjhayana are said to be the works of some of the Pratyekabuddhas. Moreover, some of the works known as Prakīrņakas are attributed to them about which we shall refer to, hereafter.
This rough discussion about the works that can be termed as Jaina scriptures, gives us an idea as to the number of works of which the genesis remains to be attempted. They are :
(1) Avassaya, (2) Dasaveyāliya, (3) Uttarajjhayaṇa, (4) Dasasuyakkhandha, (5) Kappa, (6) Vavahāra, (7) Sūriyapaṇṇatti, (8) Pindanijjutti, (9) Ohanijjutti, (10) Cūliyās and (11) Paṇṇavaṇā.
It may be noted that out of these 11 works, the first three along with the 8th and the 9th form a group known as Mūlasūtra. The 4th, 5th and the 6th are classed under the name of Chedasūtra, while the 7th and 11th, under the name of the Upanga. This will show that over and above the Jaina scriptures noted up till now, there are some more Jaina sacred works; for, the number of the chedasutras as already stated in 5 or 6, and that of the Upangas 12. No doubt, almost all of these works are anonymous, and it is very difficult to
1. This is due to the fact that in this avasarpiņi, there has not flourished any such saint who knew 13, 12 or 11 Puvvas. The following lines from Drona Sūri's com. (P. 3") on Ohanijjutti may be quoted in this connection :
"अस्यामवसर्पिण्यां चतुर्दशपूर्व्यनन्तरं दशपूर्वधरा एव सञ्जाता न त्रयोदशपूर्वधरा द्वादशपूर्वधरा एकादश पूर्वधरा वा "
2. In Subodhikā (p. 169') it is said :
" महागिरिः १ सुहस्ती च २ सूरिः श्रीगुणसुन्दरः । श्यामार्यः ४ स्कन्दिलाचार्यो ५ रेवतीमित्रसूरिराट् ६ ॥ श्रीधर्मो ७ भद्रगुप्तश्च ८. श्रीगुप्तो ९. वज्रसूरिराट् । युगप्रधानप्रवरा दशैते दशपूर्विणः ॥"
3. The pertinent line is as under :
" दशपूर्वधरा अपि शासनस्योपकारका उपाङ्गादीनां सङ्ग्रहण्युपरचनेन हेतुना
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