This realization of facts spurred him on to compose a dvādaśangi, an act evolving out of the fructification or operation of Ganadhara-nama-karman.
Before we proceed further and examine the question of other Ganadharas composing a dvādaśārgi, we may note that each of the three questions asked by Indrabhūti, is styled as nisejjā in Prākrta' and nisadyā in Samskrt.2 Furthermore, all the three questions are collectively known as nisadyātraya in Samskřt. Similarly every answer that the Lord gave, goes by the name of pada or mātrkāpada" or ādeśa in Samskrt and all collectively, by the name of tripadi or padatrayı' or the like.?
It appears that we have no means to know the number of nisadyās pertaining to the remaining 10 Ganadharas; but it is certain that at least one of them had a recourse to fifteen nisadyās. This shows that this particular Ganadhara,
1. The Cunni (p. 370) on Āvassaya and its Nijjutti (v. 735) may be here quoted as under :
"तं कहं गहितं गोयमसामिणा ? तिविहं (? तीहिं) निसेज्जाहिं चोद्दस पुव्वाणि उत्पादिताणि । निसेज्जा
णाम पणवतिऊण जा पुच्छा ।" 2. See p. 3, fn. 4. 3. See p. 3, fn. 4. Also see the following (last) line of the 2nd verse of
Apäpäpurīsarkṣiptakalpa of Jinaprabha Suri:"जग्रन्थुर्बादशाङ्गी भवजलधितरी ते निषधात्रयेण" Kalpakiranavali (p. 1206) of Dharmasāgara Upadhyāya may be also referred to. Haribhadra Sūri in his com. (p.7) on Dasaveyaliya and its Nijjutii (v. 8) says: "Ta मातृकापदं, तद् यथा-'उप्पनेइ वा" इत्यादि, इह प्रवचने दृष्टिवादे समस्तनयवादबीजभूतानि मातृकापदानि
भवन्ति, तद् यथा-उप्पन्नेइ वा, विगमेइ वा, धुवेइ वा." 5. See the following verse of Dhanapāla's Tilakamañjari :
"नमो जगन्नमस्याय मुनीन्द्रायेन्द्रभूतये । यः प्राप्य त्रिपदी वाचा विश्वं विष्णुरिवानशे ॥ १९ ॥" Muniratna's Amamacaritra, Devānanda Sūri's Gautamāstaka (v. 2), Laksmīvallabha's Kalpadrumakalikā (p. 141a and p. 1410) and Vinayavijaya Upadhyāya's Subodhikā
(P. 118") may be also consulted. See Svyambhustotra (v.114) too. 6. See the following verse of Trişasti (1, 3) :"उत्पादो विगमो ध्रोव्यमिति पुण्यां पदत्रयीम् । उद्दिदेश जगन्नाथः सर्ववाङ्मयमातृकाम् ॥६५८॥"
vendra Sūri, too, has used this word in his com. (v. 1) on his own work Kammavivāga (v. 60). 7. I do not remember to have noted a Prākrta equivalent of tripadī like tivas in the
Jaina literature. 8. The following lines from the Cunni (p. 337) on Āvassaya may be here consulted :
"जदा य गणहरा सव्वे पव्वजिता ताहे किर एगनिसेज्जाए एगारस अंगाणि चोद्दसहि चोद्दस पुव्वाणि, एवं ता भगवतो अत्थो कहितो, ताहे भगवंतो एगपासे सुत्तं करंति, तं अकखरेहिं पदेहिं वंजणेहि समं"
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