Embryology, food in the embryonic conditions, births as a celestial being and a hellish being. 10 conditions of a living being,' description o yugmins, 6 types of osseous structure, and those of the shape of the body, condemnation of woman and resort to dharma.
Thus this Agama is useful for the study of ancient notions about physiology, anatomy etc. It is quoted in Dasaveyāliyacunni (p. 5).
CANDĀVIJJHAYA This work also known as Candagavijjha and consisting of 174 verses, explains how one should behave at the time of death. Incidentally we here come across the description of rādhāvedha.
DEVINDATTHAYA This is a work containing about 292 verses in Prākrta. It deals with questions and answers pertaining to 32 Indras, their residential quarters, vimānas etc. Furthermore, it gives us information regarding all the four types of gods.
This work consisting of 86 verses in Prākrta is more or less of an
haracter. For, it deals with auspicious and unauspicious days, constellations, muhurtas, omens etc. In v. 63 the word horā occurs.
MAHĀPACCAKKHĀŅA This Prākrta work "great refusal” contains 142 verses. It deals with rules pertaining to confession, renunciation etc.
This is a small work in Prākrta in 43 verses. It has for its main topic enumeration of the various names of Lord Mahāvīra. In short, it is a hymn.
This finishes a discussion about the principal Agamas of the Jainas. Of course, there remain certain Païnnagas. Out of them only a few are being selected here, for being dealt with.
ANGAVIJJĀ This is looked upon by some as Païnnāga. It is written in Prākrta,
1. The pertinent verse is the same as v. 10 of Dasaveyāliyanijjutti. It runs :
"बाला १ किड्डा २ मंदा ३ बला ४ य पन्ना ५ य हायणि ६ पवंचा ७ । पब्भारा ८ मुम्मुही ९ सायणी १० य दसमा य कालदसा ॥३१॥"
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