to hear it by day, too, according to the vidhi prescribed in Nisihacunni.
This is a Cheyasutta. It is popularly known as Brhatkalpasūtra. Some name it as Bṛhatsādhukalpasūtra. It is divided into 6 uddesagas, and it deals with rules and regulations governing the lives of Jaina monks and nuns. Restrictions pertaining to their food, apparatuses, halting place etc. are here expounded, and expiations regarding violations or partial transgressions are prescribed. This Cheyasutta has some of the passages in common with other Agamas.' As already noted on p. 40, this Kappa along with Vavahāra and Dasă forms one suyakkhandha. At times it is mentioned with Vavahara only.2 It is difficult to fix up the date of the compilation of this Cheyasutta; but its 50th sutta3 and the like may be helpful in this direction.
At least now-a-days this work is looked upon as the 6th Cheyasutta by several Śvetāmbaras. It consists of 103 verses in Prakṛta, and its authorship is attributed to Jinabhadra Gani Kṣamāśramana. Herein are prescribed penances pertaining to violations of rules enjoined for Jaina saints in their canon. It deals with 10 prayaścittas as usual, and not wih 9 as in Tattvärtha. Mr. M. D. Desai has noted in Jaina sahityno sankṣipta itihāsa (p. 83) that herein 19 kinds of prayaścittas are treated, and that this work is a part and parcel of Nisiha, since the vidhāna of Jitkalpa is mentioned there.
As already noted on pp. 47-48, this is a Mulasutta3 of multiple
1. See D. C. J. M. (vol. XVII, pt. II, pp. 225-226).
2. See p. 36, fn. 2 and Drona Suri's com. (p. 1b) on Ohanijjutti where we have : "पदविभागसामाचारी कल्पव्यवहारः ".
3. "कप्पइ निग्गंथाण वा निग्गंथीण वा पुरित्थमेणं जाव अंग-मगहाओ एत्तए, दक्खिणेणं जाव कोसंबीओ, पच्चत्थिमेणं जाव थूणाविसेसाओ, उत्तरेणं जाव कुणालाविसयाओ एत्तए । एताव ताव कप्पइ । एताव ताव आरिए खेत् । णो से कप्पर एत्तो बाहिं । तेण परं जत्थ नाण- दंसण-चरित्ताइं उस्सप्पंति त्ति बेमि ।"
4. He has been praised by Siddhasena Sūri in his Cunni (v. 5-11) on this work Jiyakappa. His approximate date is Vira Samvat 1115.
5. Instead of this word, Kulamandana Sūri has used the work Mülagantha as can be seen from the following lines quoted in Senaprasna (III, p. 80°):
" आवस्य ओहनिज्जुत्ति १ पिण्डनिज्जुत्ति २ उत्तरज्झयणे ३ । दसकालियं ४ चउरो वि मूलगन्थे सरेमिसया ॥
इति श्री कुलमण्डनसूरिकृतप्राकृतसिद्धान्तस्तवगाथा । एतस्यां च मूलग्रन्थाश्चत्वार एते प्रोक्ताः सन्ति”
The use of this word Mülagrantha may remind one of the word Mülagrantha occurring in the Bauddha dictionary Mahāvyutpatti and meaning Buddha's own words.
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