(1) Satthaparinnā, (2) Logavijaya, (3) Siosanijja, (4) Sammatta, (5) Logasāra, (6) Dhuya, (7) Mahāpariņņā, (8) Vimokkha and (9) Uvahāņasuya.'
By the time Bhadrabāhusvämin wrote a Nijjutti on Ayāra, there were Āyāraggas added to this 1st section. Ayāragga means a Cūlikā. So says Śīlānka Sūri in his com. (p. 6b) on Ayāra. From Āyāranijutti (v. 11)3 we learn that Ayāra, the 1st Anga, herein styled as Veda, has 9 ajjhayaņas, each known as Bambhacera. It consists of 18000 payas (Sk. Padas), has 5 Cūlās and is vast and vasters on account of the extent of the padas. It may be noted that nowhere in the Ayaranijjutti, we come across the names of all the 5 Cūlās. From its v. 2976 we learn the names of Cūlās 2 to 5. They are (1) Sattikkagā, (2) Bhāvaņā, (3) Vimutti and (4) Āyārapakappa. Further, we learn that the 1st Cūlā consists of 7 ajjhayanas,' and so is the case with the 2nd Cūlā. Each of the rest has, however, only one.
That the second suyakkhandha is a later addition to the 1st, is borne out by the following considerations :
1. These are the names given in Ayāranijjutti (v. 31-32) quoted on p. 77, fn. 5. All these
except the 7th are translated in S. B. E. (vol. XXII) as knowledge of the weapon, conquest of the world, hot and cold, righteousness, essence of the world, cleaning,
liberation and the pillow of righteousness respectively. 2. "3r T ren 4HRE H ERE I Fisfa 4 Hreyfurt füfstren TŞ 118 " --Ayāranijjutti
Ayāragga is also called Ayāranga. See p. 105, fn. 1. 3. See p. 72, fn. 7. 4. Cf. "Ta 4RT FI, 1761-refu tfacit etc.--Samavāya (s. 9)
See also Samavāya (s. 51) and śīlānka's com. (p. 290') on Ayara. 5. For explanation see p. 72, fn. 7. 6. "Gamef5571377 4641 AFTER fa53TEGII raut-farf-3119R4Cmt fafa 537 a 1178611" 7. On this understanding can it not be named as Sattikkagå as has been done in the case
of the 2nd Cūlā ? Thus, the 1st 4 Cūlās have 16 ajjhayanas. Their names are given as under by Malayagiri Sūri in his com. (p. 211") on Nandi by way of a quotation :"PUSHUT ()
fun (3) T4 (8) Jaret (W) CITAT (E) I 37T89SAT (1) HerefteRIT (6-88) 3 TOUT (84) Para Fit (?)." Herein there are no specific names for ajjhayanas 8-14. In a way, this is justifiable since each of them is spoken of as Sattikkayā or Sattikkagā or the like. However, from the ending portion of each of them we learn the names of the 1st four Sattikkagās as Thāņā, Nisīhiyā, Uccārapāsavana, and Sadda respectively. The rest can be named as
Rūva, Parakiriya and Annamanakiriyā. 9. This cannot be dated later than the composition of Ayaranijutti.
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