[ 13 ] 48. JAINA ŠILALEKHA SAMGRAHA, Part IV ( See Nos. 28, 45 & 46 ): It is in continuation to the previous three vols. In this vol. some six Hundred and fifty four inscriptions with their summary in Hindi are given. Compiled by Dr. V. JOHARAPURKAR. There is a Index of proper names at the end. The Introductions by Dr. Joharapurkar is an exhaustive study of the inscriptions. Granth No. 48. Crown pp. 34+ 506. First edition 1965, Price Rs. 71-.
49. ĀRĀDHANA-SAMUCCAVAHO-YOGASĀRASAMGRAHAŚCA : It is a Combined vol. of two small Sanskrit texts named Arādhana-Samuccaya of SRI RAVICANDRA MUNINDRA and Yogasāra.Samgraha by SRI GURUDAS. Edited by Dr. A. N. Upadhye. Granth No. 49, First edition 1967. Crown pp. 60, Price Rs. 1/-.
50. ŚRNGĀRĀRŅAVA CANDRIKĀ: It is an important work on Sanskrit Poetics by Vijayavarni, edited for the first time with English Introduction and Appendices by Dr. V. M. Kulkarni. Granth No. 50. Crown pp. 66 + 174. First edition 1969, Price Rs. 3).
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52. JAINA SILĀLEKHASAMGRAHA Part V ( See Nos. 28, 45, 46 & 48 ) : It is in continuation to previous
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