since it is the words and sense that reveal the sentiment of a poem, so the qualities (Gunas) which, in fact, are the properties of Rasa may be secondarily regarded as belonging to Sabda and Artha which manifest the sentiment, just as valour, cruelty etc. are associated with the man in our common parlance, but in point of fact they belong to the soul or heart of that man. Thus Guņas are permanent attributes of the Rasa, since excellence, being the properties of Rasa follow the presence or absence of Rasa with the result that if Rasa is present, Guna is present, if Rasa is absent, then Guņa too is absent. Thus the expression Saguṇau Sabdarthau means that while it is true that, since excellences are the properties of Rasa, the words Saguṇau can not be directly applied to Sabdarthau. But it is by an indirect or metaphorical process that the term Guna conveys the concept of Rasa to which it actually belongs. It is therefore no wonder that Saguṇau Sabdarthau indirectly means Rasavantau Sabdarthau. But these Sabda and Artha are such that help reveal the excellences. It is such Guṇas that heighten the sentiment.
In the gloss that follows this Sūtra (1.12), Hemachandra takes up the three important terms in the Sūtra viz., Rasaḥ, Gunah and Dosaḥ and explains that while the nature of Rasa is to be defined, Guņas or excellences are those attributes of a sentiment which are the direct causes of heightening the effect of a Rasa and Doṣas or blemishes are directly responsible for hindering and marring the effect of a sentiment. They, i.e. Gunas and Doṣas are the attributes, Dharmaḥ, of the Rasa alone, but it is only indirectly or metaphorically that they are juxtaposed with words and senses as these latter help reveal them. The inherence of the Gunas as well as the Dosas in the sentiment can be determined by reference to the method of Anvaya and Vyatireka. Thus wherever there are blemishes, there are Gunas as well, for Doṣas appertain to a specific Rasas and not to either a Sabda or Artha. In other words Dosas and Gunas reside in the Same place and exist in referene to the same thing.
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