देवस्तु भुक्त पूर्वाह्न मध्याह्न ऋषिभिस्तथा । अपराले तु पितृभिः सायाह्ने दैत्यदानवैः ।।५८॥ सन्ध्यायां यक्षरक्षोभिः सदा भुक्तं कुलोद्वह! । सर्ववेलां व्यतिक्रम्य रात्रौ भुक्तमभोजनम् ॥५६।।
Meaning : (Mahabharat also supports) : O! Yudhistar the gods take dinner during the first half of the day; the sages at midday; the pitras (manes) in the latter half; the demons and the devils in the evening; and the yaksas (demi-gods) and the monsters at twilight. Transgressing these limits, if a dinner is taken at night, is called a prohibited dinner.
हृन्नाभिपद्मसंकोचश्चण्डरोचिरपायतः । अतो नक्तं न भोक्तव्यं सूक्ष्मजीवादनादपि ॥६०॥
Meaning : Meal at night should not be taken because the lotus (it is imaginary lotus) located in the heart as well as in the navel get closed (because of the sun-set) and there is possiblity of the minutest germs etc. entering the mouth and being killed.
संसजज्जीवसङ्घातं भुजाना निशि भोजनम् ।। राक्षसेभ्यो विशिष्यन्ते मूढात्मानः कथं नुते ?॥६१॥
Meaning : How can those foolish people who take the meal at night abounding in a lot of bacteria, worms, germs, etc. be distinguished from the monsters ?
Third Chapter
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