Wine is the cause of vices, wine is the cause of troubles like a thing forbidden for one who is afflicted by a disease. Therefore, wine must be given up.
चिखादिषति यो मांसं प्राणिप्राणापहारतः । उन्मूलयत्यसौ मूलं दयाख्यं धर्मशाखिनः ॥१८॥ अशनीयन सदा मांसं दयां यो हि चिकीर्षति । ज्वलति ज्वलने वल्लीं स रोपयितुमिच्छति ।।१६।।
Meaning : By depriving animals of their lives, in order to eat meat, one uproots the seed of compassion of the tree of religion.
He, who wants to eat meat daily and yet wants to practice mercy is behaving like one who wants to place a creeper in flaming fire.
हन्ता पलस्य विक्रेता संस्कर्ता भक्षकस्तथा । क्रेताऽनुमन्ता दाता च घातका एवं यन्मनुः ॥२०॥
Meaning : It is said by the Acharya that the killer, seller, cook, eater, buyer, approver, and giver of meat are equally liable to be afflicted by the sin of of himsa.
अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रय विक्रयो। संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च खादकश्चेति घातकाः ।।२१।।
Meaning : Manu also says in the Smritis that the approver, seller, killer, giver, receiver, cook, server, and eater-all equally share the sin of himsa.
Yoga Shashtra
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