thrown; so also a person, with undisiciplined movement, may cause harm to living beings.
प्रसरल्लोभवारिधेः । स्खलनं विदधे तेन येन दिग्विरतिः कृता ।। ३ ।
Meaning: Those who have taken this vow of Digvirati have virtually prevented from spreading further the ocean of greed that continues to torment the world.
Second Complementary Vow
भोगोपभोगयोः संख्या शक्त्या यत्र विधीयते । भोगोपभोगमानं तद् द्वैतीयीकं गुणव्रतम् ।। ४ ।।
Meaning: The vow in which the number of bhogas and upabhogas (short term and long term indulgances) is restricted, is the second gunavrata known as Bhogopabhoga vrata.
सकृदेव भुज्यते यः स भोगोऽन्नस्त्रगादिकः । पुनः पुनः पुनर्भोग्य उपभोगोऽङ्गनादिकः ।। ५ ।।
Meaning : Corn, garland of flowers, betel leaf, annointment etc. can be enjoyed once only and therefore it is called bhoga. Women, clothes, ornaments, house, bed, seat, vehicle etc. can be enjoyed very often and therefore they are called upabhoga.
मद्यं मांसं नवनीतं मधू दुम्बरपञ्चकम् । श्रनन्तकायमज्ञातफलं रात्रौ च भोजनम् ।। ६ ।। श्राम गोरस संपृक्त' दध्यहद्वितयातीतं
पुष्पितौदनम् ।
च वर्जयेत् ।। ७ ।।
Meaning : Every honey, five types of
Third Chapter
Jain Education International
kind of wine, meat, butter, banyan tree seeds, potatoes,
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