Prostitutes like to snatch away even the apparel of a lover who is dispossessed of wealth as he has given away everything to them.
A man who is under influence of prostitutes and is always attached to unchaste women, does not care for (in mind) gods, elders, friends and relatives.
One should avoid prostitute, who is devoid of affection but expresses false love toward lepers even, to extract wealth.
नाऽऽसक्त्या सेवनीया परदारा प्रप्युपासकैः । पाकरः सर्वपापानां कि पुनः परयोषितः ।।६३॥ स्वपति या परित्यज्य निस्त्रपोपपति भजेत् । तस्यां क्षणिकचित्तायां विश्रम्भः कोऽन्ययोषिति ॥४॥
Meaning : A devotee of the Arhats should not be lustful even with his own wife; to him others' wives are like mines of all sins.
How can trust be placed in a woman who is fickle-minded and, becoming shameless, enjoys passionate lovers neglecting her own husband ?
भीरोराकुलचित्तस्य दुःस्थितस्य परस्त्रियाम् ।
रति न युज्यते कर्तुमुपशूनं पशोरिव ॥६५॥ Meaning : Like a street dog, promiscous person is plagued by fear, stress, nervousness and other such problems.
प्राणसंदेहजननं परमं वैरकारणम् । लोकद्वयविरुद्धं च परस्त्रीगमनं त्यजेत् ॥६६॥
Yoga Shashtra
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