देवोपहारव्याजेन यज्ञव्याजेन येऽथवा ।
घ्नंति जन्तून् गतघृणा घोरां ते यान्ति दुर्गतिम् ॥३९॥ Meaning : In what hell will those atheists who commit heinous crimes and brutal acts and who openly preach himsa in their scriptures be born ? Poor Charvaka is definitely better as he preaches himsa, no doubt, but openly. But Jaimini is no better than Charvaka as he is a monster in the guise of an ascetic who preaches that himsa is enjoined in the Vedas. Those merciless persons, who kill the animals, under the pretext of offering oblation to the gods or for the sake of sacrifice are condemned to most terrifying existence.
शमशीलदयामूलं हित्वा धर्म जगद्धितम् ।
अहो हिंसाऽपि धर्माय जगदे मन्दबुद्धिभिः ॥४०॥ Meaning : Leaving aside a religion which is for universal good and is rooted in quietitude, noble character, and compassion, the dull-witted proclaim that injury to living beings also is a bonafide religion.
हविर्यच्चिररात्राय यच्चानंत्याय कल्पते । पितृभ्यो विधिवद्दतं तत्प्रवक्ष्याम्यशेषतः ॥४१॥ तिलोहियवषिरद्धिलफलेन वा। दत्तेन मासं प्रीयन्ते विधिवस्पितरो नरणाम् ॥४२॥ द्वौ मासौ मत्स्यमांसेन त्रीन् मासान् हारिणेन तु ।
औरभ्रेणाथ चतुरः शाकुनेनेह पञ्च तु ॥४३॥ षण्मासान् छागमांसेन पार्षतेनेह सप्त वै । अष्टावेणस्य मांसेन रौरवेण नवैव तु ॥४४॥ दशमासांस्तु तृष्यन्ति वराहमहिषामिषैः । शशर्मयोमासेन मासानेकादशैव तु ॥४५॥
Yoga Shashtra
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