non-material advantages, such as, pacifying of negative emotions, equanimity, and tranquility of soul.
Mithya-dristhi Prashamsa-Praising the followers of other creeds is also a fault to faint samyaktva. There is no doubt that every creed has some good points but while emphasizing the good points the negative side is overlooked. The ignorant people blindly start following that creed because some responsible person has admired it. They would then also incorporate the bad points, will be misled and lose the opportunity to join the the right path leading to Moksha.
The last fault refers to the friendship of the followers of other creeds. This is specially meant for the people who are not strongly attached to Jain creed, or those who are not deeply conversant with its doctrine. It would be easy for them to be carried away when confronting a different ideology.
In short, here finishes the description of the nature of samyaktva, its distinguishing marks, ornamental features and faults. The weaker the emotions of anger, vanity, deceit, greed etc., the clearer is the samyaktva. Therefore, one should aim at controlling these emotions. A person is said to be ready for observing the householder's vows after attaining samyaktva. The observence of these vows demand greater clarity and purity of the soul so as to check the influx of karmas and such a householder can properly observe the householder's vows.
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