favour some and disfavour others, are not the gods to be worshipped by those who are desirous of emancipation.
लम्भयेयुः पदं शान्तं प्रपन्नान् प्राणिनः कथम् ॥७॥
Meaning: Can the Gods, who themselves are unsteady and disturbed by drama, boisterous laughter and music, ever lead their followers to the tranquil path of Moksa (emancipation) ?
भैक्षमात्रोपजीविनः ।
महाव्रतधरा धीरा #141fa5201 a¤fqènsı gzat ¤A1: 11511
Meaning One who observes the five major vows i.e., non-violence, truth, non-stealing, continence and non-attachment; one who patiently bears all the afflictions; one who is always able to maintain equanimity; and one who preaches the true Dharma may be called the right Guru.
aåxìfaz: aqfzazı: 1
aaffumifo": ब्रह्मचारिणो मिथ्योपदेशा गुरवो न तु ॥ ॥
Meaning: The one who hankers after all things, eats indiscriminately, is attached to his possessions, i.e., wealth, wife and children, does not practise continence, and preaches to mislead the people, can never be called the right Guru.
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