the eight qualities of intelligence; to listen to the scriptures daily; not to eat on a full stomach, to eat at a proper time and with peaceful mind; to balance the goals of Dharma, Artha, and Kama; to help the Sadhus, guests, and the needy as per one's capacity; not to press on stubbornly one's own opinion; to appreciate the qualities of the virtuous; not to enter a prohibited place at the prohibited time; to understand truly about strength and weakness; to respect wise and elderly ascetics; to support the dependents; to be far sighted; to be a specialist; to be grateful; to be popular; to be humble; to be compassionate; to have a peaceful disposition; to be active in welfare; to be active in winning over the six-inner-enemies like anger and lust; to be in control of senses; these are the attributes required to become a true householder or citizen.
First Chapter
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