come. Therefore, the guru must always be served with devotion.
यद्वत्सहस्रकिरणः प्रकाशको निश्चिततिमिरमग्नस्य । भवेदज्ञानध्वान्तपतितस्य ॥ १६॥
तद्वद् गुरुरत्र
Meaning: It is the guru only who lights the lamp of wisdom for the people lost in the darkness of ignorance, just as the sun brings to light the things hidden in dense darkness.
प्राणायाम प्रभृतिक्लेशपरित्यागतस्ततो योगी । उपदेशं प्राप्य गुरोरात्माभ्यासे रति कुर्यात् ॥१७॥
Meaning: Therefore abandoning the painful discomforts and distress of practices like pranayam, the yogi should devote himself to the study of the self through preachings of the guru.
वचनमनः कायानां क्षोभं यत्नेन वर्जयेच्छान्तम् । रसभाण्डमिवाऽऽत्मानं सुनिश्चलं धारयेन्नित्यम् ॥ १८ ॥
Meaning: The yogi should put forth hard labour to avoid fickleness of mind, speech, and should always keep the soul in tranquility and steadiness just like a vessel full of liquid.
Meaning : A yogi, apathetic toward outside world, should not indulge in thoughts that put him in a dilemma and disturb his concentration.
श्रौदासीन्यपरायणवृत्तिः किञ्चिदपि चिन्तयेनैव । यत्संकल्पाकुलितं चित्तं नासादयेत्स्थर्यम् ||१६||
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