dissolved in the liberated soul. With the dissolution of actor and act he sublimates into a union with the goal--the liberated Super Soul.
सोऽयं समरसीभावस्तदेकीकरणं मतम् । प्रात्मा यदपृथक्त्वेन लीयते परमात्मनि ॥ ४॥
Meaning : This complete integration, where the soul of a yogi indulging in abstract meditation, unseperably dissolves into the super soul, is called the state of unification.
अलक्ष्यं लक्ष्यसम्बन्धात स्थलात सूक्ष्म विचिन्तयेत् । सालम्बाच्च निरालम्बं तत्त्ववित्तत्त्वमञ्जसा ॥५॥
Meaning : Beginning at first with the Pindastha (aimed at solid objects) meditation, cne should progress to abstract meditation in stages. Also, one should progress from the meditation of the gross to the meditation of the micro and from contingent meditation to free meditation. Practicing in this progressive manner, the yogi soon comprehends the ultimate reality.
एवं चतुर्विधध्यानामतमग्नं मुनेर्मनः । साक्षात्कृतजगत्तत्त्वं विधत्ते शुद्धिमात्मनः ॥ ६॥
Meaning : The meditating yogi, absorbed in the four kinds of meditation (already described) realizes the fundamentals of the world and ultimately purifies his soul.
Yoga Shashtra
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