being pleased with excellent virtues of the Sadhaka (a person who has mastered the mystical formulae), will declare the age limit decidedly and finally.
अथवा शकुनाद्विद्यात् सज्जो वा यदिवाऽऽतुरः । स्वतो वा परतो वाऽपि गृहे वा यदिवा बहिः ॥ १७७॥
वल्मीकोऽथोपदेहिकाः ।। १७८ ॥
कीटिका घृतवर्णाश्च भ्रमर्यश्च यदाऽधिकाः । उद्वेगकलहव्याधिमरणानि तदा दिशेत् ॥ १७६॥
उपानद्वाहनच्छत्र-शस्त्रच्छायाङ्गकुन्तलान् चञ्च्वा चुम्बेद्यदा काकस्तदासन्नैव पञ्चता ॥ १८०॥ अश्रुपूर्णदृशो गावो गाढं पादैर्वसुन्धरां । खनन्ति चेत्तदानीं स्याद्रोगो मृत्युश्च तत्प्रभोः ।। १८१ ।।
Meaning : A person, with disease or without it, himself or through others, inside the house or outside, should know about good or bad according to the omen. If serpents, scorpions, worms, rats, lizards, ants, lice, bugs, spiders, ant-hills, insect bees, are seen in large number, grief, distress, disease or death follows. If a crow touches with its beak any one of these, namely, shoes, elephants, horses (used for riding), umbrellas, weapons, limbs of the body, hair etc., it prognosticates impending death. If a cow. with tears in the eyes digs the ground forcefully with her legs, the death of her owner results from disease. परिकीर्तितम् | परिकीर्त्यते ॥ १८२॥
श्रनातुरकृते ह्येतच्छकुनं अधुनाऽतुरमुद्दिश्य शकुनं
Meaning: These signs and symptoms prognosticating evil have been detailed with reference to person
Fifth Chapter
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