If the breath flows in one nostril (right) for sixteen days, the person lives for three hundred forty eight days; if for seventeen, the person dies within three hundred twentyfour days, if for eighteen, nineteen, and twenty days, the person dies within two hundred eightyeight, two hundred forty, and one hundred eighty days respectively. If at the Paushna moment the breath flows at the sunrise from Surya nadi (right artery or nostril) for twenty one to twentyfive (both inclusive) days the person dies within that period which is obtained after having deducted six, twelve, eighteen, twentyfour and thirty days from the previous number of days respectively.
At the Paushna moment if the breath flows in the Surya nadi (right artery or nostril) for twenty one days, the person dies in course of one hundred seventyfour days.
In that manner, if it flows for twentytwo days, the person dies within one hundred sixtytwo days and if for twenty three, within one hundred forty four days.
In the same manner, if it flows for twentyfour days, the person dies in course of one hundred twenty days and lives for ninety days, sixty days, thirty days, fifteen days, ten days, five days, three days, two days, and one day only, if the breath flows for twentyfive days, twenysix days, twentyseven days, twentyeight days, twentynine days, thirty days, thirtyone days, thirty two days, and thirtythree days respectively. In the
Fifth Chapter
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