they are entering through the left nostril and when they are entering through the right nostril, they are suggestive of mediocre success.
दक्षिणेन विनिर्यान्तौ विनाशायानिलानलौ । निःसरन्तौ विशन्तौ च मध्यमावितरेण तु ॥६०॥
Meaning : When the breaths named Pavan and Dahan enter through the right nostril they point to the failure and when they do from the left one, they show mixed result.
The Arteries इडा च पिङ्गला चैव सुषुम्णा चेति नाडिकाः । शशिसूर्यशिवस्थानं वामदक्षिणमध्यगाः ॥६१॥ पीयूषमिव वर्षन्ती सर्वगात्रेषु सर्वदा। वामाऽमृतमया नाडी सम्मताऽभीष्टसूचिका ।।६२॥ वहन्त्यनिष्टशंसित्री संही दक्षिणा पुनः ।
सुषुम्णा तु भवेत्सिद्धि-निर्वाणफलकारणम् ॥६३।। Meaning : Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna these three are the nadis (arteries). Ida, the left nadi, is the place of the moon; Pingala, the right nadi is the place of the sun; and that which is in between the two is called Sushumna and it is presided over by Shiva.
The left nadi always sprinkles nectar on all parts of the body as also it points to the fulfilment of all desires.
The right nadi prognosticates evil and is indicative of the failure of the work. But the Sushumna 146
Yoga Shashtra
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