is lead from the middle of the region of heart, it is called Gati; when the breath is located in the aperture of the crown of the head it is called the Sthana.
तच्चारगमनस्थानज्ञानादभ्यासयोगतः । जानीयात्कालमायुश्च शुभाशुभफलेादयम् ॥ ३८ ॥
Meaning: When one comes to know these three, namely, Char, Gati, and Sthana through hard practice, he gets information regarding the span of his life as also the periods of good luck and bad luck.
ततः शनैः समाकृष्य पवनेन समं मनः । योगी हृदयपद्मांतविनिवेश्य नियंत्रयेत् ॥ ३६ ॥ ततोऽविद्या विलीयन्ते विषयेच्छा विनश्यति । विकल्पा विनिवर्तन्ते ज्ञानमंतविजृम्भते ||४०॥ क्य मंडले गतिर्वायोः संमः क्व क्व विश्रमः । का च नाडोति जानीयात्तत्र चित्ते स्थिरीकृते ॥ ४१ ॥
Meaning: Having slowly withdrawn the mind as well as the breath, one should fix them up in the region of the lotus of the heart.
Due to this, nescience is removed, desire of sensual pleasures takes leave, doubts perish, and knowledge rises.
Moreover, by settling the mind and breath in the province of the heart, one comes to know the mandala (circle or group) in which the breath moves, the element in which the breath has entered and in which it has become stationary, and the artery which is active.
मण्डलानि च चत्वारि नासिकाविवरे विदुः । भौमवारुणवायव्याग्नेयाख्यानि
Fifth Chapter
Jain Education International
यथोत्तरम् ।।४२।।
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