प्रत्याहाराट् बलं कान्तिर्दोषशान्तिश्च शान्ततः । उत्तराधरसेवातः स्थिरता कुम्भकस्य तु ॥१२॥
Meaning : The Rechaka (pranayam) cures the diseases of the digestive organs as also those caused by the phlegm (Kapha). The Puraka (pranayam) fattens the body and cures all diseases.
The Kumbhaka (pranayam) makes the lotus in the form of heart bloom, tears apart the internal tumors, and keeps body strength intact or even increases it.
The Pratyahara (pranayam) increases strength and lustre of the body, while the Shanta cures the diseases caused by the vitiation of the three bodily humours; namely wind (vata), bile (pitta), and phlegm (kapha). The Uttara and Adhara (pranayams) serve the purpose of stabilizing the Kumbhaka.
प्राणमपानसमानावदानं ध्यानमेव च । प्राणायामेर्जयेत् स्थानवर्णक्रियार्थबीजवित् ॥१३॥
Meaning : The yogi, having known the place, colour, function, meaning, and the symbolic syllable of the five types of the breath, namely, Prana, Apan, Samana, Udana, and Vyan, should gain control over them through the practice of pranayama.
Explanation : Exhaling and inhaling are the functions of the Prana. The Apana throws out excrements, urine, and foetus. The chyle resulting from
Yoga Shashtra
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