are destroyed, sense organs and intellect cease functioning. This results into emancipation.
प्राणायामो गतिच्छेदः श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्मतः । रेचकः पूरकश्चैव कुम्भकश्चेति स त्रिधा ।।४।।
Meaning : Pranayam is that activity in which both inhalation and exhalation (of the breath) are regulated. This is accomplished in three ways. The names indicating these are Rechaka (exhalation), Puraka (inhalation) and Kumbhaka (suspension).
प्रत्याहारस्तथा शान्त उत्तरश्चाधरस्तथा ।
एभिर्भदैश्चतुभिस्तु सप्तधा कीर्त्यते पर. ।।५।। Meaning : According to other acharyas(teachers) the pranayam is seven fold. Add Pratyahara, Shanta, Uttara, and Adhara to the three (mentioned previously). These four are so named as they denote various conditions of regulating wind in the body.
यत्कोष्ठादतियत्नेन नासाब्रह्मपुराननः । बहिः प्रक्षेपणं वायोः स रेचक इति स्मृतः ॥६॥
Meaning : When the wind (breath) is thrown out very very slowly from the belly through nostrils, Brahma randhra (palate), and or through mouth, it is called Rechaka (exhalation).
समाकृष्य यदापानात पूरणं स तु पूरकः ।
नाभिपा स्थिरीकृत्य रोधनं स तु कुम्भकः ॥७॥ Meaning : Drawing the wind from outside and filling down to anus through the whole alimentary
Yoga Shashtra
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