इहलोके परलोके जीविते मरणे तथा । त्यक्वा शंसां निदानं च समाधिसुधयोक्षितः ॥१५१॥ परिषहोपसर्गेभ्यो निर्भीको जिनभक्तिभाक् । प्रतिपद्यत मरणमानन्दश्रावको यथा ॥१५२।।
Meaning : If the layman is unable to practice selfcontrol etc. or if he apprehends the fast approach of death, he should undertake the vow of samlekhana (fasting unto death) with a view to reducing the body to thinness and to minimizing the acuteness of four passions.
(For practising self-control), he should go to any of the four holy places, such as Janmakalyanaka (the place where the Teerthankara had been born), the Diksakalyanaka (where he had taken consecration), Jnanakalyanaka (where he had obtained omniscience), and Mokshakalyanaka (where he had been liberated) and failing to go to any one of these four places, he should do it in the house, or forest or a place devoid of the presence of animals, beasts, or insects etc.
Having given up four types of food and becoming absorbed in reciting Pancha Paramesthi Mantra, he should atone for the sins committed by him confessing them before the guru if he is present. He should seek shelter of Arhat etc.
He should throw out of his mind any hankering for this world or the world to come, for continuation of life or termination of it and should never barter away his accumulated punya for any ulterior gain.
Third Chapter
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