स्त्रीशस्त्रेणापि चेत्कामो जगदेतज्जिगीषति ।
तुच्छपिच्छमयं शस्त्रं किं नावत्ते स मूढधीः?॥१३४॥ Meaning : Female body is made up of excreta, impurities, phlegm, marrow, and bone. On account of sinewy muscles, it appears to be good like airbag made up of animal hide; externally beautiful but not internally. If the exterior and the interior of the body of the woman is interchanged her admirers shall have to protect it from vultures and jackals. Why does that foolish god of love not wield the weapon in the form of peacock's feather to conquer the world instead of wielding a weapon in the form of a woman ?
सङ्कल्पयोनिनाऽनेन हाहा ! विश्वं विडम्बितम् ।
तदुत्खनामि सङ्कल्पं मूलमस्येति चिन्तयेत् ॥१३॥ Meaning : Oh ! How strange it is, whole world is harassed by this god of love who has his origin in thought. Therefore, one should always think of uprooting the thought about it (passion).
यो यः स्याद् बाधको दोषस्तस्य तस्य प्रतिक्रियाम् ।
चिन्तयेद्दोषमुक्तषु प्रमोदं यतिषु व्रजन् ॥१३६॥ Meaning : Keeping an appreciative outlook towards the monks, one should think of the remedies for his faults.
Explanation : For vices such as attachment, hatred, anger, pride, hypocracy, greed, infatuation, passion, and jealousy, one should think of the opposite qualities respectively; namely, detachment, friend
Third Chapter
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