on the earth, He, washing her off by holy waters and honouring her (the river ) as the fame [of Rantideva), should have recourse to her [i. e. the Carmaṇvati ). In that river there when He, the spoiler of the complexion of Krşņa, descended to take up her water, would be having for a momeot His reflection in full, dissipating the pride of the hide of a black antelope, in the water of her pool formed by accumulated water, Sambarāsura thought that the name Cārmanvati given to that river was absolutely deserving. The sky-wanderers would verily regard the current, as transparent as [ or transparent on account of ] the diffusion of the moon-light, of the river [ Carmanvati ), though broad, looking thin on account of its being at a long distance, as a white silken upper-garment of the earth possessing blue colour in the middle part, when, in the vicinity there, He, possessing complexion similar to that of Rāhu, would be taking in water. The sky-wanderers would verily be looking upon Him, with His body encircled with a leathera thong in the form of lightning, with His body darkened like smoke, charming to His rumbling sounds, absorbing water, as a black leatharn bag meant for drawing water sustained between heaven and earth by the heavenly women for the sake of making sport. When He, possessing complexion as dark as that of a blue lotus, would, for a moment, be hanging over the stream of the river [ Carmaņvati ), carrying on rivalry with the rays of the moon, the gods, casting their glances at a very long distance, would certainly be looking from the uppermost part of the sky upon the current as a single string of pearls worn by the earth having a big saphire at its centre. Having thus sported in the water there for a moment like a celestial elephant [i, e. Airāvata ), He, moving on the heavenly way, having crossed the Carmaņvati, should proceed on seeing the charming sports of the waters possessing multitudes of waves roused up by forcible wind and well-acquainted with the movements like those of the creeper-like eyebrows.
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