possessing perfect knowledge [ concealed under the cover of Karman ); here where women are regaling their children by means of narrations and mirth, was the grove of Tāla-trees possessing golden colour [ or possessing coolness ); here, it is reported, an elephant imitating the bodily form etc. of the Nalagiri ( mountain named after king Nala who had sanctified it with his foot-prints ) butting against the mountain with his mountain-like body, destroying, like the angry god of death, the wild beasts or elephants, like the wind destroying clouds, wandered about, having uprooted the post (meant for tying him ] through rashness.” On seeing in that city jewels worthy of being turned into various ornaments, imitating the beautiful bow of Indra brought into being by the streaks of sunlight, and on seeing the structures of corals arranged in the shops on the bazzar roads ( or in the markets for sale ), the oceans, he said, are looked upon as having only water remaining behind ( in them ). Having reached that city, a place abouading in excellent prosperity [ or a place of excellent mechanism and fine art ), having taken full rest on the uppermost parts of the mansions, having had recourse to His strong desire for making a stay in the heavens through its mansions, He, having His body increased in volume owing to the aromatic smoke used for hair-toilet issuing forth from the lattices, having presents offered by the domestic peacocks in the form of dances accompanied with songs through brotherly love, become tired at heart by the fatigue caused by the jouney, having removed the fatigue on the mansions of the city resounding with the deep pleasant sounds of the musical instruments, and having entertainments consisting in songs attended with music and dancing arranged always in them, perfumed with the fragrance of flowers and marked with red dyes applied to the feet by the beautiful ladies, would give up in no time [ or without delay ) necessarily the strong desire cherished by Him for the heavenly mansions (or the mansions in the heaven).
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