Jain Education International
Table 4 : Development of Embryo and Foetus in Different Systems. No.
T. V.
B. A./K. K.
Medicinal Science
1. Conceivability Age 55 years F
75 years M 2. First Week Multicellular 3. Second Week Monula 4. Third Week Blastula 5. Fourth Week Shaped fleshly
mass 6. First 10 days 7. Second 10 days 8. Third 10 days
For Private & Personal Use Only
9. First Month
35 gm
Multicellular Monula Blackened mass Compaction of mass
Multicellular Multicellular Monula, blasMonula
tula by cell division 0.85 g Fleshy bubble Fleshy, solidifying Shaping like human, heart blastula, muscles brain, sex-signs, indistinct
heart, 3.75 cms. Solidification 5 limbs distinct, Muscles, Nerves, Bones,
sublimbs indistinct Fingers, Longing, 149,9 cms
Medical Sciences in Jaina Canons : 545
10. Second Month
Squared solid fleshy mass
11. Third Month