8. Urine
10. Ribs
11. Heart
12. Tongue
13. Soft hairs
14. Fat
15. Bile liquids
16. Cough
17. Stomach
18. Bone marrow
Medical Sciences in Jaina Canons
90 g
1.15 kg
205 g
12 cms
350 lacs
450 cms
Jain Education International
205 g
BA and KK details differ in ratio of 3 1.
80 lacs552 g
552 g
552 g
1.5 kg
24 0.2-0.35 kg
Physiologically, the eatables have been classified by their rhenum, bilous and phelgmic nature. Their digestions produced different effects in the system in terms of their exothermic, endothermic or mixed type of biochemical actions in the stomach. It is said that the food when chewed and mixed with saliva gets mixed up with bile in stomach and gets bitter. On further digestion, this produces primary fluids in the body which are converted into blood, flesh, fat, bones, marrow and semen in order. These fluids are also utilised by the embryo for its nourishing at different stages.
There is good description about foods and nutrition in different canons which has been detailed in the relevant chapter to which the reader is referred to.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Procreation and Pregnancy Current obstetrics and gynaecology deals with diseases related with females specially and their procreative systems. Nature has provided the method of procreation to continue the species and the world. This branch is included in Salya system of Prāṇāvāya. It is said in canons that the 5-sensed mammals
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