7. She-bees 9. Honey bees
11. Butterfly
15. Cattle bug 17. Kukkuha 19. Śingirada
21. Lohita Patra
23. Haridrapatra
25. Citrapakşa 27. Ohañjalika
29. Gambhira
33. Sāranga (black bee)
35. Dola
37. Jarula
39. Patra-vṛścika
41. Jala-vṛścika
43. Kanaka
45. Tantavaka
47. Nicaka
51. Pisuka (Flea)
Zoological Contents in Prākṛta Canons :
8. Locusts
10. Knats/gadfly 12. Grasshopper
14. Pattiya
16. Kukkuda
18. Nandavarta
20. Kṛṣṇa-patra
22. Nila Patra
24. Śuklapatra
(i) A-sexual
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26. Vicitrapakṣa
28. Jalacarika
30. Nonika 32.Akşivedha
34. Nevāra
36. Bharili
38. Totta
40. Chana-vṛscika ( cow-dung
42. Priyangala
44. Gomaya kita ( faecal insects)
46. Māgadha
48. Motha (Dāmsa) 50. Jalakāri
Table 7 gives details of 5-sensed animals where also Prajñāpanā and Jivajivābhigama hold the sway. There are 177 types of animals sub-classified under various heads. They form the vartebrate class of zoology. All these animals are all-sensed mobiles with mind.
Table 7: Five-sensed Tiryañcas ( animals) in Jaina canons based on Jivajivābhigama and Prajñāpanā.
5-sensed animals
(ii) Sexual
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