466 : Scientific Contents in Prāksta Canons
to mobile physique-making karma irrespective of their movements or organs. They may also be defined on the basis of their birth types. They may be procreating sexually or asexually. They have a different mode of growth and they depend on others for their food. They reside in the mobile tunnel of the universe.
As with plants, sufficient physical description is available in canons regarding zoological kingdom with respect to available species, their classification and identification. They have been described under many disquisition doors as shown in Table 13. Only useful informations have been given here under various aspective studies reflecting their wide variety. However, it is seen these are mostly observable points of preinstrumental age. One does not find many aspective details of current zoology which deal with about twelve branches like anatomy, embryology, cytology ( cell study ), histology (tissue study ), genetics and evolution etc. Jivajivābhigama“, Jivakānda and other procanons describe them under taxonomy, morphology, senses, vitalities, body, libido, evolutionary completions, anatomy and physiology ( food, instincts etc. ). Many other disquisition doors include psychic, inner or volitional aspects like passion, spiritual stages, colourations, activities, knowledge, applied consciousness, etc. These qualities are subject to mental speculations and experience. Because of the moral emphasis of religion, much stress has been given to these later qualities while others like cytology, genetics etc. are hardly mentioned in canonical literature. Jaina Taxonomy for Mobile Beings
The mobile beings are classified in many ways which are based on motion, senses, external structural similarity like forms, etc., habitat, birth-types and other factors. This forms a mixed natural-cum-artificial classification ( Table 2 ). Sikadar suggests that Jaina classification is sufficiently advanced over vedic period. The sense-based classification is, however, widely described in canons and procanons. It is observed that there
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