Weights and Measures-1: Mass and Volume Units : 267
being replaced by weight measures in gradual practice. Besides, every measure requires knowledge of numbers as there can not be any unit without them. Hence, numeration serves two-fold purpose. A. D. S. mentions that this measure is useful for paying the wages to workers, purchasing foods and utilising proper amount of coins for purchases and accounts22. It goes to count the numbers upto a crore or ten million. However, it also mentions that numeration could be expressed in eight ways, out of which countable number is most useful as Munisri also makes out23. Primarily, Akalanka does not mention numbers more than four as they are described under paraworldly measures in terms of (i) number and ( ii ) simile measures. Both, A. D. S. and Akalanka describe them in more detail which is given later in chapter on spatial or length units. (9) Tat-pramāna Measure
No details are given in R. V. regarding this measure ( measure of comparison ) as it is too empirical for canonical days. However, some units could be found in current sciences under this category. (h) Current Measures
Looking to the variety of measures in different parts of the country, the British tried to have uniform measures of weights overlooking the earlier ones. In the first instance, they were not based on decimal system but they represented simplification and co-ordination. Later on, they have also been converted to decimal system. The Ayurvedic system did not have specific volume units but there was a weight-volume conglomerate. Now because of density concept, the two units are separate. Table 10 summarises them and their details could be found in any physics book. The C. G, S. system is most current today.
With these new units in vogue, the canonical units have gone historical. Thus, the weights and measures have undergone change from irregular multiples to regularly decimalised.
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