158 : Scientific Contents in Prākrta Canons
mattergy as 'Rūpi'. The word 'Rūpa' has six meanings - nature, practice, gross matter, heresay, quality and form41. But here it means 'mūrti' ( form ) or that having qualities perceptible by senses-specially the eye. Two qualities could easily be perceived by it - colour and shape. Thus, on first count, 'rūpi' means an entity perceptible to eye. However, a wider meaning has also been given to it. 'Rūpa' means five qualities - touch, taste, smell, colour and shape. This meaning is more general and utilitarian involving other senses too. Thus, the mattergy is that which undergoes changes in the above five qualities. Kundakunda and Umāsvāti favour this meaning leading to the conclusion that it is not the eye perceptibility which matters for mattergy but it is the sense perceptibility in general. The latter also holds the above qualities to be co-existing. If any one of them is manifest in a mattergy, the others will also be there sometimes in a dormant or indistinct form.
This definition of sense perceptibility of mattergy has been accepted by later Jaina scholars. This seems to be better developed over Bhagavati ( receivability by Jiva, binding or combining capacity ) and Uttarādhyayana 42 The literal definition refers to changeability. Thus, in summary, sense perceptibility and changeability through permanence are the characteristics of mattergy. This has all the eight general attributes and twenty-one natures. It is said to be eternal, active, extensive, pervasive in worldly space, formful, infinite and, of course, non-living real. Bhagavati mentions that different bodies, senses, activities, kārmic particles, mind, respiration etc. are all mattergies. Pañcāstikāya 43 adds one more adjective to this -- all sense-perceptibles are mattergies. Scientific Definition of Mattergy
The scientists have two different terms for Mattergy (Pudgala ) of the Jainas – matter and energy. Earlier these terms were separately defined but since Einstein, both the terms have now been merged in scientific world also.
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